Batch Info
5lb Batch
All Grain
5.5lbs Skagit Valley Malting Obsidian
4.5lbs Mecca Gateway (undermodified)
1lb Purple Karma Barley Flakes
.5oz Cashmere (8.8%AA) @60min
.5oz Cashmere (8.8%AA) @15min
1.07oz Cashmere (8.8%AA) 180F whirlpool for 10min
unknown Kveik from Von in homebrew club (contains pedio)
SG: 1.040
FG: 1.005
No notes
4gal Strike @ 168F. Mash in @ 153F. 75min mash. 151-152F @45min. 3.5gal sparge @173F. 6.5gal preboil. 60min boil. 5.3gal post boil.
Brewed 8/10/19.
Bottled 8/26/19 with 5.1oz bottling sugar
Notes for next time:
Very delicious beer with unexpected pedio that caused gloopy-ness. The beer cleared up over time in bottles and turned out very saison-esque. Light bodied, med-high carbonation. Fruit flavors including stone fruit, especially peach and apricot. Singular microbial sour nature (from pedio). Apparently Eric & Rel’s favorite beer of mine that I’ve ever made.